Meet the Herd

- Born in 2004, Thoroughbred with Bay coloring
- Stands at 16.3 hands high and he is all legs
- Lived a full life of eventing as an athlete before coming here
- Famous for giving cuddles and sticking out his tongue
- Had a suspensory injury in his prior life yet he still loves to run!

- Born in 2011, Dutch Warmblood with Dark Bay coloring
- 16 hands high with a star and sock markings
- Lived as an eventing athlete in his previous career
- His playful attitude sometimes gets him in trouble
- He’s known at the barn for being a silly goose!
- A neck injury left him with two vertebrates fused together
- Shines in the round pen forming connections and building relationships

- Born in 2006, Hanoverian cross with Dark Bay coloring
- Stands at 16.1 hands high and has blaze and sock markings
- Can be found in the pasture with his best friend, Stuart
- Known as Prancing Horse’s model for his excellent poses
- Previous injury to his superficial ligament on left hind leg
- Stubborn and sweet enough to stay strong for those he serves!

- Born in 1997, Paint with Palomino coloring
- 15 hands high with an Overo paint pattern
- You’ll find him with a face covered in his breakfast – yum!
- Previous injury to his left hind leg and very few teeth left
- Doesn’t let life slow him down, his spirit is still very young
- Has been a kid’s horse his whole life which makes him perfect here

- Born in 2005, this pretty man stands at 15.1 hh!
- He is a quarter horse with a stocky build to carry all sizes and shapes
- Previously lived as a husband’s trail horse so you know he’s solid
- We like to say he’s got more “whoa” than go
- Gets his name from his too cool demeanor and all the joy he brings!

- Born in 2007, Quarter horse cross with Bay coloring
- Stands at 15.1 hands high with a star marking
- Did someone say apples? Oh that was just Penny
- Sometimes quick and sometimes not, it all depends on where’s the food
- Came from another therapeutic riding center to continue serving
- Thriving and quick to respond with love to anything thrown at her!

- Born in 1999, Quarter horse with Sorrel coloring
- Stands at _ hands high with a small star marking
- Known for her swayback and the calmness she brings to everyone
- Used to be a barrel racer back in the day
- Now she’s happy to take each day slowly, one step at a time!

- Born in 1997, Draft/Morgan cross with Buckskin coloring
- Stands at _ hands high with blaze, snip, and sock markings
- Her favorite spot to be scratched is her ears – can’t reach it!
- Falls into the sweetest of mares category
- Not a huge fan of small spaces or motorcycles but loves kids
- Was with her owner from birth and now lives to serve others

- Born in 2008, Welsh/Arabian cross with an all grey coat
- Stands at _ hands high with a spirited nature
- Known for his troublemaker antics and short stature
- Can ground drive and pull a cart! Not too bad for a lil guy
- Owned by Susan Price, you can find her riding him at the farm
- Mostly found in ground lessons or veteran sessions

- She may not be an equine but she is a mighty pal!
- You can find her with her BFF, Ed out in the pasture
- Best known for crying when Lana leaves or coming for scratches
- We adopted her as a companion mate and what a good fit was it
- Loves carrots and apples like the rest of the herd
- She’s practically famous as she appears in a book written by lovely volunteers

- AKA “Ophy” was donated to us by Feline Friends of Moore County
- She was born approximately in June of 2022
- The mama of the whole farm, she has even had kittens before!
- You can find her somewhere cozy waiting for snuggles
- She is the first to say hello and the last to leave 😊

- Ed was born around June 2023 and is in love with his friend Lulu
- He was sponsored by lovely volunteers as a companion
- He has lived as a 4H show goat and loves to share his moves!
- You can catch him doing some goat yoga on the fence
- Yes, he has some tags in his ears but we think it adds to his charm!