Our thanks to:
William Chambers Coughenour, Jr., who in 2004 generously established an endowment to benefit Prancing Horse, in honor of his grandson, Jonathan McCrann. The endowment is used on an on-going basis to:
- Provide a predictable, sustainable source of support for the work of Prancing Horse,
- Build capital for our long-term development goals
- Expand the number of giving options available to our donors.
The Prancing Horse Endowment is invested and administered through the North Carolina Community Foundation.
How you can support the Prancing Horse Center by becoming a benefactor.
You can assure the continuation of our mission in many ways: your gift or pledge to the fund, your gifts in memory or in honor of friends and family or your thoughtfully planned bequest -these are just a few of the ways you can help to build a strong endowment for the future.
All gifts are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law.

Appreciated Securities or Real Estate
Gifts of appreciated securities and real property may provide important tax advantages to donors who have held assets for a long period of time. The full fair market value of such gifts may be deductible as a charitable contribution. In the case of restricted or closely held stock, real estate or other unusual assets, the proposed gift may require an appraisal, a review by the North Carolina Community Foundation counsel, and approval of the NCCF Board of Directors.
There are many ways to remember the Prancing Horse Endowment in a will. After providing for relatives and friends, a donor can specify that some or all of the remaining assets be given to the Prancing Horse Endowment, thereby achieving a lasting purpose and reducing the taxable portion of an estate.
Life Insurance
The Prancing Horse Endowment may be named as the owner and beneficiary of a previously existing or new life insurance policy. The donor receives an immediate tax deduction, which is usually approximately equal to the policy’s cash surrender value. All premium payments made by the donor thereafter are also deductible.
Charitable Remainder Trust
A donor may wish to make a contribution to charity but need all of his or her income for current expenses. The donor can leave property to the Prancing Horse Endowment at death or give the assets now, subject to a retained income interest.
About the NORTH CAROLINA Community Foundation
The North Carolina Community Foundation is a nonprofit, publicly supported charity that provides donors of diverse financial capabilities and interests with a flexible, cost-effective and permanent vehicle for carrying out their charitable objectives in North Carolina. The Foundation focuses primarily on encouraging, establishing and building endowments for nonprofit institutions and charitable organizations
serving the people and communities of North Carolina.
For more information about the North Carolina Community Foundation, contact:
PO Box 2828
Raleigh, NC 27602